Shekhar Gupta

All stories by Shekhar Gupta

The Blue Revolution: Indian Cricket's Success Story

The Blue Revolution: Indian Cricket's Success Story

Rediff.com30 Nov 2023

It is a tribute to a system so robustly meritocratic that this team represents India's diversity better than any other institution: The Union Cabinet, our chief ministers, the civil services, the leadership of our armed forces and security agencies, the judiciary and more than all of these, our typical newsroom. That is the biggest message from this breathless rise of Indian cricket, asserts Shekhar Gupta.

Can Israel's Army Win The War?

Can Israel's Army Win The War?

Rediff.com8 Nov 2023

If military power is all it would take to finish the menace of an awful terrorist organisation like Hamas, how come five Israeli wars in Gaza since 2003 have failed to do so? asks Shekhar Gupta.

There is only one victim in this case, and it is Israel

There is only one victim in this case, and it is Israel

Rediff.com23 Oct 2023

There is only one perpetrator, Hamas. It is a terrorist organisation. It is obscene to argue that until the Palestinian question is solved, anybody has the right to use terrorism as an instrument of policy, argues Shekhar Gupta.

Can't Defeat Modi Using Caste Census!

Can't Defeat Modi Using Caste Census!

Rediff.com19 Oct 2023

Will a caste census make tens of millions desert Mr Modi?, asks Shekhar Gupta.

Ask Sikhs In Punjab If They Want Khalistan...

Ask Sikhs In Punjab If They Want Khalistan...

Rediff.com11 Oct 2023

Almost all will say no. Then ask them why they don't push back at those who rise the slogan of Khalistan. Somebody would confront you with a counter-question: If people can talk of a Hindu Rashtra, why get so upset if others talk of a Sikh Nation, points out Shekhar Gupta.

Modi's 3rd Term Isn't A Done Deal

Modi's 3rd Term Isn't A Done Deal

Rediff.com20 Sep 2023

With the general election campaign less than six months away, the BJP has more to think about than it had on the eve of 2019. It's the states that will be robbing BJP strategists of their sleep at this point, not the Lok Sabha, asserts Shekhar Gupta.

The Punjabis Are Fleeing

The Punjabis Are Fleeing

Rediff.com19 Sep 2023

There's an entire gurdwara dedicated to immigration. People present tiny airliner models here in the hope that Waheguru will soon give them a ticket, passport and visa to leave, reveals Shekhar Gupta.

What Was The Most Dangerous Decade Post Independence?

What Was The Most Dangerous Decade Post Independence?

Rediff.com12 Sep 2023

The competition for the worst or most perilous 10 years has always been between the 1960s and the 1980s, points out Shekhar Gupta.

Is China New Leader Of Global South?

Is China New Leader Of Global South?

Rediff.com5 Sep 2023

Today, with China centrally seated and located, the Global South has an intriguing road ahead. Odds of it becoming a Chinese bloc in the emerging new bipolar world are higher than we'd wish them to be, observes Shekhar Gupta.

Why Statehood Needs To Be Restored In J&K

Why Statehood Needs To Be Restored In J&K

Rediff.com25 Jul 2023

The best, wisest, and fairest next step in strengthening our own cause is to restore statehood to Jammu & Kashmir and allow the resumption of robust political activity. That's a box that remains unchecked on the Modi government's report card as we approach the fourth anniversary of Kashmir's Constitutional shift, notes Shekhar Gupta.

Will India See Return Of Two-Party Politics?

Will India See Return Of Two-Party Politics?

Rediff.com20 Jul 2023

If only the Congress could rebuild on its strengths and develop a modern enough ideology, we could again be moving towards a clearer two-party political landscape, asserts Shekhar Gupta.

Why The Army Can't Fight In Manipur

Why The Army Can't Fight In Manipur

Rediff.com10 Jul 2023

For the most battle-hardened, specialised and successful counter-insurgency army in the world, this is an unfamiliar, first-time experience of dealing with the north east's deepest complexities, observes Shekhar Gupta.

Phas Gaye Re Obama

Phas Gaye Re Obama

Rediff.com3 Jul 2023

The Democrats, especially the Biden administration, wanted to deliver a sharper message to Mr Modi than would be possible in a formal summit setting. So, why not get the most prominent Democrat in decades to deliver it?, explains Shekhar Gupta.

Manipur: BJP's Formidable Internal Security Challenge

Manipur: BJP's Formidable Internal Security Challenge

Rediff.com12 Jun 2023

There are three things you never do in a small North East state: Undermine local leaders, divide and rule, push homogenisation, asserts Shekhar Gupta.

The Perils Of Democracy In Pakistan

The Perils Of Democracy In Pakistan

Rediff.com26 May 2023

Pakistan still has to acquire the patience you need in a democracy. The patience to accept that even if I do not like the government I have, I must wait till the next election to change it, explains Shekhar Gupta.

Can India Afford To Frown At The Chinese?

Can India Afford To Frown At The Chinese?

Rediff.com20 May 2023

India would not be seen to be anything but rude with the Pakistanis. In the big picture, who is the bigger adversary right now? Who is the bigger pain in the neck? And who is it that is keeping more than 3,000 km of our borders active, throwing our military posture and deployments into imbalance? asks Shekhar Gupta.

Modi's Dilemma: China and Pakistan

Modi's Dilemma: China and Pakistan

Rediff.com8 May 2023

Mr Modi might have questions to ask himself on the most formidable strategic challenge before India that he inherited from the United Progressive Alliance: The triangulation between China and Pakistan. The failure to break out of it, or even loosen it a bit, is something to reflect on, notes Shekhar Gupta.

Opposition Unity Is A Bogus Idea

Opposition Unity Is A Bogus Idea

Rediff.com3 May 2023

Our political history tells us this has never worked. A united Opposition does work in some specific, limited situations, especially in the states. But never as some brilliant pan-national collection of diverse interests with no ideological or political core, asserts Shekhar Gupta.

How The BJP Has Changed Under Modi-Shah

How The BJP Has Changed Under Modi-Shah

Rediff.com26 Apr 2023

The BJP at 43 is a work in progress, with total ideological continuity and much substantive change in political method and style, observes Shekhar Gupta.

Why Did Supreme Court Strengthen UAPA?

Why Did Supreme Court Strengthen UAPA?

Rediff.com13 Apr 2023

Reversing the burden of evidence means that the principle of innocent until proven guilty does not apply. It is exactly the opposite: Guilty as charged, until you can convince the judges of the contrary, points out Shekhar Gupta.

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